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How Many Words Do You Need to Know in Spanish or any other foreign language And WHICH Words Should You Be Learning Learn Spanish with Andrew. First, some data. The primary study that Im going off of here is that done by Mark Davies at Brigham Young University, which I will embed below so that you can read it, download it, whatever you want to do I know its a bit small, just click Fullscreen Spanish Word Frequency Study by Andrew Tracey on Scribd. This is a truly unique and valuable study you would think that there would be beaucoup data out there with regards to word frequency listsdictionaries in Spanish, but there arent. The primary reason is that its so damned difficult, time consuming, and expensive to do a study like this properly. The next most recent comparable study was one done in 1. They extracted the 6. French Language Learning Software Torrent' title='French Language Learning Software Torrent' />By the way, the frequency dictionary they mention, which this study was written about, that contains the entire list of the 6. Amazon if youre interested. For some reason, the hardcover is ridiculously expensive at 1. Right, lets get down to brass tacks. According to the above study, for Spanish Learning the first 1. Learning the top 2. And learning the top 3. Quill/s0791159_s7?$img400$' alt='French Language Learning Software Torrent' title='French Language Learning Software Torrent' />How Many Words Do You Need to Know in Spanish or any other foreign language And WHICH Words Should You Be Learning by Andrew Aug 10, 2010 General Language. Essentially, just learning the top 1. Sure, youll have to stop the speaker frequently to get them to define words for you andor you may have to pull out your dictionary quite frequently, but my point is that its enough of a base for you to actually start speaking to people which is the most important part of learning any language actually talking to native speakersyoull be able to say nearly anything you need to in some way or another, and you should be able to understand the general gist of what someone else is saying to you, even if you do have to stop and ask them for help a few times. Professor Arguelles, arguably one of the worlds foremost experts on language learning and who, himself, is fluent in eleven languages and has studied 5. HTLAL, concerning how many words you need to learn he is directly addressing the above study in this quote and does a superb job of boiling this down for us language learners in practical terms that are useful to us The maddening thing about these numbers and statistics is that they are impossible to pin down precisely and thus they vary from source to source. The rounded numbers that I use to explain this to my students I usually write in a bulls eye target on the whiteboard, but I dont have the computer skills to draw circles in this post, so I will just have to give a list 2. Now, in the above study by Davies, heres where things start to get really interesting Assume that a language learner is aiming for 9. This 9. 0 figure will be obtained by knowing about 2. So you can see that nouns completely dominate the average spoken vocabulary the above data is from the spoken, not written, corpus, constituting 2. You should keep in mind, however, that each verb is counted as a single lexeme no matter how it is conjugated so saying that you only need to know 2. Also, they found that heres where we get into register and range certain words had a very high frequency of use in one of the three registers oral, written fiction, written non fiction but barely appeared at all in the other two, or it was present in two typically both written registers but not at all in one of the others. So youll see that there are words which are far, far more valuable to learn than certain other words depending on which register youre most interested in becoming proficient in. Have a look at the two tables below, the first one shows the ten words with the greatest difference in range between oral and non fiction that have an extremely high oral range they are very, very common spoken words, whereas the second table shows the same except these are the ten words with the greatest frequency difference that have an extremely high range in written non fiction theyre extremely common in non fiction writing but not at all in oral speechIm not sure I explained that well, if not leave a comment and Ill try again Table 1. Table 2. Why For what purpose are you learning this language How you intend to use the language in question Spanish or whatever the case may be for you is very important in determining which words you should focus on, primarily this comes into play with regards to whether youre more concerned about the spoken language or the written language. Most language learners are far more concerned about being able to actually speak to native speakers of the language than they are with anything else, though there are exceptions people who wish to be able to read certain specific technical journals, such as an engineer who only wants to be able to read the original German or Japanese instruction manuals and schematics for the devices used in his field and does not need to be able to actually speak the langauge as well as certain special needs someone who is most interested in spoken language, but they also need special emphasis in a certain area, such as the businessman who not only wants to speak basic everyday Japanese but also needs to learn certain business terms that are specific only to his job and wouldnt be common anywhere else. Sowhat are you going to use it for Do you have any special needs or areas of interest that you would like to learn the terminology for in the language youre learning  Im a pretty big computer nerd, so in addition to everyday spoken Spanish, I might also like to know how to say things like hard drive, TCPIP, Python the programming language, blog, forum, social news, search engine, link, etc. See what I mean  Dont neglect areas like that, everyone has somewhether youre into cars or rugby or chess or collecting dead insects, youre likely going to want to know how to say the words and phrases that are common only in those specific subjects. Practical Application, or Whats the point of all this Look, if youll use a quality SRS Spaced Repetition Software like Anki and spend 3. If youll do that, and maybe practice speaking a bit by watching subtitled movies and repeating after the native speakers pause, repeat what someone just said, rewind and repeat as necessary until youve got it, wash rinse repeat, etc. The Mixxeryoull be awkward and slow at first, but you will be able to muddle through, and you will pick up speed very, VERY rapidly if youll make it a habit to speak with a native for an hour or so a day, every day remember consistency. I promise you, youll be conversationally fluent within a couple of months of the time that you started conversing with natives. Boom, youre there. Hex Socket Head Set Screw Dimensions here. Heres a quote from someone commenting on that HTLAL thread I mentioned above I can add from my experience that knowledge of about 1. This is the number of Hungarian words I learned since march. I write them all down on flashcards and count how much each day thats why I can pinpoint the number. At the same time it is obvious that my 1. I simply write down and translate everything I read and lately also the words I manage to pick up from radio. Update An excellent FREE alternative to Rosetta Stone is Duolingo. You cant sell your Rosetta Stone software. You dont own it. You lease it. By working from the bottom up in this way, machinelearning algorithms learn to recognise features, concepts and categories that humans understand but struggle to. French Language Learning Software Torrent' title='French Language Learning Software Torrent' />French Language Learning Software TorrentMORE P RAISE FOR FLUENT FOREVER Never before have I seen a languagelearning methodor method for learning anything that synchs up so perfectly with our. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Vcd Maker Windows 7 on this page. The US Department of Defense is struggling to get its arms around all of the new security issues that have come with our current technological explosion.