Vba Code To Count Pdf Pages
Getting PDF Page Count visualbasic. Hi all,Im pretty new to this subreddit, being a VBA developer primarily in Excel. However, Im having some trouble with the below and figured you guys might be the best place to ask this questionI have a program that puts together a list of files in a specified folder, where the vast majority of files are will be in PDF format. A useful additional piece of information requested by the client is to include a page count for PDF files, and I spent some time looking at ways of doing this using my old friend, Google this led me to http www. From my testing, Haluks solution works best heres that code unedited from original post Function Get. Page. NumPDFFile As String. Haluk 1. 91. 02. Dim File. Num As Long. Dim str. Ret. Val As String. Set Reg. Exp Create. ObjectVBscript. Reg. Exp. Reg. Exp. Global True. Reg. Exp. Pattern TypesPages. File. Num Free. File. Open PDFFile For Binary As File. Num. str. Ret. Val SpaceLOFFile. Vba Excel Count FunctionNum. Get File. Num, str. Ret. Val. Close File. Num. Get. Page. Num Reg. G-sPeZ32Zyc/UVYPR4Tr5VI/AAAAAAAAA0g/0hUwilulQ9A/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/VBA+Macro+To+Convert+PDF+Files+Into+Different+Format.jpg' alt='Vba Count Rows' title='Vba Count Rows' />Count of Printed Pages Before. Excel VBA Determine Number of Pages to be. In Excel we can use Excel VBA code to determine the number of pages that will be. Is it possible to count the number of pages in a Tiff andor. PDF. about VBA in Access to help. Exp. Executestr. Ret. Val. Count. This provides the correct result 9. PDF, and occasionally counts a few less. The other solution by Ralajer is less reliable Function page. Counts. File. Path. Name As String As Integer. Dim n. File. Num As Integer. Dim s. Input As String. Dim s. Num. Pages As String. Dim i. Pos. N1 As Integer, i. Pos. N2 As Integer. Dim i. Pos. Count. As Integer, i. Pos. Count. 2 As Integer. Dim i. Endsearch As Integer. Get an available file number from the system. File. Num Free. File. OPEN the PDF file in Binary mode. Open s. File. Path. Name For Binary Lock Read Write As n. File. Num. Get the data from the file. Do Until EOFn. File. Monster Hunter Dos English Patch. Num. Input 1, s. Input. Input UCases. Input. Pos. N1 In. Str1, s. Input, N 3. Pos. N2 In. Stri. Pos. N1, s. Input,. Pos. Count. In. Str1, s. Input, COUNT 7. Pos. Count. 2 In. Stri. Pos. Count. Input,. If i. Pos. N1 3 Then. Num. Pages Mids. Input, i. Pos. N1, i. Pos. N2 i. Pos. N1. Else. If i. Pos. Count. Then. Num. Pages Mids. Input, i. Pos. Count. Pos. Count. 2 i. Pos. Count. 1. Prevent overflow and assigns 0 to number of pages if strings are not in binary. Else. If i. Endsearch 1. Then. s. Num. Pages 0. Endsearch i. Endsearch 1. Close pdf file. Close n. File. Num. page. Count CInts. Num. Pages. This is even less reliable correct 7. The strangest thing here is that the two pieces of code get it wrong on different files, and I cannot get my head around that at all. So my questions does anyone know why these pieces of code dont always calculate correctly, and especially why they make mistakes for different files Im assuming this is something to do with PDF as a file format but thats as far as Ive gotdoes anyone know a more reliable method of obtaining a page count for PDF documents Please note restrictions for this are no Adbe Acrobat only Reader on my and client machines, also note to be run via Excel VBA. I hope this all makes sense let me know if you have any questions. Make a PDF of a web page with VBA code in Excel. Hi,Do you mean that you want to print web pages to a PDF document Then heres an example to do that, but it only print one web page, you can use a loop to find the links then print. Heres the code A function that uses IE to print the contents of microsoft. PDF document. Sub printPDF. Dim Explorer As Object. Dim e. Query As Long return value type for Query. Status. WB. Dim i As Integer. Dim f. Time As Single. See function below, to set the default printer to PDFCreator. Note The user would probably be grateful if you checked to see what is the current default printer and set it back when finished printing. Set. Default. Printer PDFCreator. Connect to Internet Explorer. Set Explorer Create. ObjectInternet. Explorer. Application. Open some document. This is usually a file on your computer, but I use Microsoft here for test purposes. Explorer. Navigate www. Try. Again. Wait for 2 seconds to let IE load the document. Time Timer. Do While f. Time Timer 2. Do. Drop Box For Windows Vista. Events. e. Query Explorer. Query. Status. WB6 get print command status. If e. Query And 2 Then. Explorer. Exec. WB 6, 2, Ok to Print Then execute the Print 6 command, without displaying the print dialog 2. Wait for 2 seconds while IE prints. Time Timer. Do While f. Time Timer 2. Do. Events. Else. Go. To Try. Again. This function sets the Windows default printer to whatever printer you insert as parameter. Public Sub Set. Default. PrinterBy. Val printer. Name As String. Dim o. SH As Wsh. Network. Set o. SH New Wsh. Network. o. SH. Set. Default. Printer printer. Name. Set o. SH Nothing End Sub. Jaynet Zhang. Tech. Net Community Support.