Dataset Serialize Outofmemoryexception Was Thrown
Unable to serialize the session state. In State. Server and SQLServer mode, ASP. NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result non serializable objects or Marshal. By. Ref objects are not permitted. The same restriction applies if similar. Getting below error while accessing the application. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Out. Of. Memory. Exception Exception of type System. Outofmemoryexception Java' title='Outofmemoryexception Java' />Out. Of. Memory. Exception was thrown. System. Text. String. Builder. String value, Int. Index, Int. 32 length, Int. System. Text. String. Builder. ctorString value, Int. System. Data. Data. Outofmemoryexception SqlSet. Serialize. Data. SetSerialization. Info info, Streaming. Context context, Serialization. Format remoting. Format 1. System. Data. Data. Set. Get. Object. Hi Everybody, I got a report which gives an exception when exported to excel from the report viewer. I got the same export correctly without error once and then again. Unable to serialize the session state. In StateServer and SQLServer mode, ASP. NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result nonserializable. I Fill a dataset by sql query and. System. OutOfMemoryException was thrown. How can i fix this problem i need to serialize large datatable. Exception of type System. OutOfMemoryException was thrown. Int32 capacity 90 System. Data. DataSet. 118 System. Web. UI. ObjectStateFormatter. Serialize.
DataSerialization. Info info, Streaming. Context context 4. System. Runtime. Serialization. Formatters. Binary. Write. Object. Info. Init. SerializeObject obj, ISurrogate. Selector surrogate. Selector, Streaming. Context context, Ser. Object. Info. Init ser. Object. Info. Init, IFormatter. Converter converter, Object. Writer object. Writer, Serialization. Binder. binder 7. System. Runtime. Serialization. Formatters. Binary. Object. Writer. WriteWrite. Object. Info object. Info, Name. Info member. Name. Info, Name. Info type. Name. Info 9. System. Runtime. Serialization. Formatters. Binary. Object. Writer. SerializeObject graph, Header in. Headers, Binary. Writer ser. Writer, Boolean f. Check 6. 33. System. Runtime. Serialization. Formatters. Binary. Binary. Formatter. SerializeStream serialization. Stream, Object graph, Header headers, Boolean f. Check 3. 22. System. Web. Util. Alt. Serialization. Write. Value. To. StreamObject value, Binary. Writer writer 1. Http. Exception 0x. Unable to serialize the session state. In State. Server and SQLServer mode, ASP. NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result non serializable objects or Marshal. By. Ref objects are not permitted. The same restriction. Custom mode. System. Web. Util. Alt. Serialization. Write. Value. To. StreamObject value, Binary. Writer writer 2. System. Web. Session. State. Session. State. Item. Collection. Write. Value. To. Stream. With. AssertObject value, Binary. Writer writer 4. System. Web. Session. State. Session. State. Item. Collection. SerializeBinary. Writer writer 7. System. Web. Session. State. Session. State. Utility. SerializeSession. State. Store. Data item, Stream stream 3. System. Web. Session. State. Session. State. Utility. Serialize. Store. DataSession. State. Store. Data item, Int. Stream. Size, Byte buf, Int. Boolean compression. Enabled 9. 9System. Web. Session. State. Out. Of. Proc. Session. State. Store. Set. And. Release. Item. ExclusiveHttp. Context context, String id, Session. State. Store. Data item, Object lock. Id, Boolean new. Item 3. System. Web. Session. State. Session. State. Module. On. Release. StateObject source, Event. Args event. Args 1. System. Web. Session. State. Session. State. Module. On. End. RequestObject source, Event. Args event. Args 2. System. Web. Sync. Event. Execution. Step. System. Web. Dead Prez Get Or Die Trying Rar on this page. Http. Application. IExecution. Step. Execute 8. 0System. Web. Http. Application. Execute. StepIExecution. Step step, Boolean completed.